Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Day 13: VR10

(notes taken on day of training)


Attempt a variable ratio schedule for the first time. I hope to see a steadier pattern of responding than demonstrated in FR, as well as a decrease in predictable pauses.


I was somewhat surprised by the results of this schedule. Although Mitzy's response rate was often quite steady, I did not perceive it to be very different from her higher ratio FR schedules. She took several long breaks (e.g. a few minutes at a time) to explore the box, groom, etc. Although she stayed fairly motivated throughout the session and had a very high number of total responses, her cumulative record displays [what seem to be] post-reinforcement pauses.

In addition, I was not sure how to start Mitzy on her first day of a variable ratio schedule. After leaving off on FR12, I was unsure as to whether I should reduce the # of responses required (e.g. move from FR12 to VR5), or simply continue from there (e.g. from FR12 to VR12). After consulting my class notes, I decided that it was not necessary to reduce the ratio dramatically, as she had already learned to press the bar repeatedly for a treat, and had been training for almost two weeks at this point. However, as the results were not what I expected, if I were to try this again, I would probably reduce the ratio when starting a VR schedule.

Overall, Mitzy appeared to do well on the VR schedule, and the number of bar presses was a record high (yay!). I would have liked to spend a few more days on different VR schedules in order to more clearly see a difference in the cumulative records between FRs and VRs, but alas, time for extinction!

Bar Presses: 618
Reinforcements: 61
Run Time: 30 minutes

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